

  • 5'6 started at 190, 27 weeks today and up nearly 19 lbs! Ugh! Time to start logging and drinking more water. I'd love to keep my total gained to under 30lbs if possible at this point :)
  • Me!!! More humanist than anything :)
  • YES! Spring can come anytime now. Hopefully this is winter's last big hurrah! The positive: taking my daughter sledding and running down the hill beside her and pulling her back up on her sled. Awesome workout, fun time, and fresh air :)
  • I'm in!!! Or start a new kick-off to summer!
  • My husband questions everything I put in my mouth. He's trying to be supportive, but it sometimes makes me feel guilty if I'm treating myself to a little indulgence and he asks, "Can you eat that?" My daughter is only 3, so she's very supportive ;-) That's funny you mention not eating the rest of her pizza- not finishing…
  • LOVE this NSV!!! The little things are so rewarding!
  • Anything Velveeta for sure!!! And nutty bars!
  • SW: 197.5 Last Week: 196.4 This Week: 195.0 GW: 185 Yikes, this is going so slowly! At least the scale is moving in the right direction. Tracking my food religiously, I can't believe how many calories I was consuming before MFP- easily 2500-3000/day! Looks like it's time to add some exercise into the mix to burn some chub-…
  • You are amazing!!!! Thank you for this!
  • Wow! Nice work everyone! My starting weight was also higher than I thought- I was guessing and bought a scale a couple days into the challenge and it was, sadly, a little higher :( BUT happy to be here and happy to have lost a pound since then! SW: 197.5 CW: 196.4 GW: 185
  • Thanks everyone! I used to run and workout at the gym, so I was clueless when it came to home workouts. I think the mornings will have to be my time to shine! Thanks again!
  • This really hits home!! Moments like that are so motivating and mean much more than a number on the scale. Sounds like the perfect way to welcome a new year!! Congrats!!
  • Kim with you! My daughter is 3 1/2! It's part baby weight, mostly mama weight! Friend request sent :)
  • I totally understand the power struggle with food. A great place to go for motivation is the Success Stories board. I figure if others can achieve their goals, so can we! It seems like you are off to an awesome start! And, the holidays are behind us- it's go time!!!
  • Hi everyone! I'm super excited for the challenge! Feel free to add me if you'd like a buddy for accountability and support. Age: 26 Height: 5'6 Starting weight: 195 Challenge goal: 185 Ultimate goal: 160 and create a new goal from there Workouts: walking, looking for video ideas/something j can do without equipment before…
  • Hi everyone! I'm Maureen, wife of 7 years, mom and teacher of 3 years. I have always fluctuated with my weight, but I am at a high point right now, coming in at 195 lbs. This morning, my daughter said, "Mommy, look, your tummy is getting big!" and that was my aha!-moment. I am looking forward to taking care of my body, and…