mchalkey6789 Member


  • Good luck to you on your first marathon! I ran my first one year ago this weekend, and I recently wrote a blog post with my reflection and a few tips for first-timers if you'd like to check it out:
  • I love Jillian DVD's! I think they're all great. The one I found the most success with was the 90 day Body Revolution. They're quick workouts that get progressively harder every 2 weeks, and I found it easy to stick with for the 90 days. I lost about 10 pounds and definitely got more defined and toned from it. But that is…
  • I'm training for my first half too, in July! It's nice to read all these tips. I just started running a month ago and I'm up to four miles, working my way up. I can't believe how sore I am though. Does it get better as you keep running consistently?