

  • 32 weeks and weigh 134.8. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 and this is my third pregnancy. Almost 18 pounds gained and 6 weeks left until induction
  • 31 weeks today and weigh 134. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 so I've gained 17 pounds and I get induced in 7 weeks!
  • 30 weeks here! Today I weigh 133 and my starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 so I have gained 16 pounds so far. I get induced in 8 1/2 weeks so I need to gain at least 9 more pounds. This is baby number 3 for me and it's our last one :)
  • 29 weeks pregnant with baby boy number three and weigh 131.2. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 so a little over 14 pounds gained.
  • Big jump this week! 28 weeks and weigh 131.8. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 so I have gained 14.8 pounds so far. I am getting induced at 3 I weeks so hopefully 25 is pounds total :) this is my third and last pregnancy with boy number 3
  • 27 weeks pregnant and weigh 130.6. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 so I have gained 13.6 pounds so far and .6 from last week. I'm pretty sure it's from muscle loss because I have had zero energy to work out recently :(
  • 26 weeks today and weigh 130. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 so I have gained 13 pounds so far and this is 3rd pregnancy
  • 25 weeks pregnant and weigh 127.6. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4. 10.6 pounds gained and this is 3rd pregnancy. I haven't been energized enough to workout alot recently so I probably have lost a ton of muscle. Hoping to gain the healthy 25 pounds this time. 38 pounds with my first, 29 with second so we will see
  • 21 weeks pregnant today with number 3 and weigh 126 this morning. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 so I've gained 9 pounds on the nose. Every time I go in to see my ob he keeps saying I'm a week later than I actually am so this morning he said I was 22 weeks. Whatever lol.
  • 20 weeks pregnant and weigh 125. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 so I am looking at an 8 pound gain. Knowing my big gain weeks are coming though :(
  • Man weeks 20 - 28th are rough for me as well. I've changed nothing and I'm blowing up overnight. It's very frustrating
  • 19 weeks today and jumped up over 2 pounds in 1 week! Starting weight 117 @ 5'4 and weigh 125 this morning :( I seriously weighed 123 two freaking days ago so I'm really upset. Sitting at 8 pound gain right now
  • 18 weeks today with third baby and weigh 122.6. starting weight was 117 at 5'4. so 5.6 pounds gained and only up .4 since last week
  • Found out today we are having our 3rd BOY
  • 17 weeks pregnant with third baby and weigh 122.2. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 so I have gained a little over 5 pounds so far
  • 16 weeks today with 3rd baby and weigh 121 @ 5'4. Starting weight was 117 so I'm looking at a 4 pound gain so far.
  • 15 weeks pregnant with third baby and weigh 120. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4. 3 pounds gained as of this morning. My weight keeps on jumping all over the place though, tomorrow I'll probably wake up weighing 123.
  • 14 weeks pregnant today and weigh 119.2. Starting weight was 117 @ 5'4 and this is my third pregnancy. Total gain so far 2.2 pounds. I really need to get back to working out consistently I've just been exhausted this time around. No more b'sing!
  • 13 weeks today and weigh 119.2. Starting weight 117 @ 5'4. 2.2 pounds gained and they were gained all in 1 week. I didn't gain anything until 5 days ago and it all slapped me in the face at once. Seems to be a common occurrence during my pregnancies.
  • Sounds great! I'm on my third and almost 13 weeks pregnant and I just started seeing gains yesterday, I too have been too tired and sick to workout or eat well so I need to start as well. You are doing great, I did lower carbs last time and I ended up gaining exactly 29 pounds
  • 12 weeks and 3 days today with 3rd baby and have gained no weight so far. Starting weight 117 @ 5'4. Today I weighed 116.8. I look like I have gained a ton of weight though, my boobs are getting huge really fast this time and so is my stomach. I keep getting red blotchy spots on my face this time and I did not with my 2…
  • 11 weeks pregnant today with third baby and weigh 117.4. Starting weight 117 @ 5'4. I usually gain 3 pounds during first trimester, but my big crazy gains happen between 19-32 weeks. I'm enjoying not gaining alot now but I know the 3-4 pound a week gains are coming ????
  • Starting weight 117 @ 5'4. Currently 10 weeks pregnant with baby number three and weigh 118.8. So far a gain of 1.8 pounds. 1st pregnancy I gained 36, 2nd pregnancy I gained 29. Really would like to keep it under 30 like last time ????
  • Yep, my second boy just turned five months old and I found out last week that I'm 6/7 weeks! I managed to lose all of my pregnancy weight except the last two pounds.
  • Third pregnancy ???? starting weight 117 @ 5'4 and I am currently 6 weeks. I just had my second son march 6 2014! So I was only not pregnant for 4 months before finding out that I was AGAIN. I have two boys and I gained 36 with the first and 29 with the second. I really hope its a girl this time and that I stay under 30…
  • I'm due with my third April 13, 2015. I have a 2 1/2 year old and 5 month old baby. This one was not planned at all LOL. I gained 36 pounds with my first not logging or exercising, and 29 with my second using mfp. Trying to do the same this time. I have two boys and would really like a girl this time ????
  • I flew with mine recently and he did great! Make sure to bring plenty of breastmilk/formula, a pacifier to help with ears pooping upon descent and landing, and a nice warm blanket to wrap them up in since it gets pretty cold on the plane.
  • 9 days postpartum today and weigh 122 :) weight at delivery was 144. I have exactly 7 pounds until I am at pre pregnancy weight of 115. The weight loss has slowed down quit a bit so I'm sure I'll hold onto some of it since I am breastfeeding. But my first pregnancy it took me over a year to lose any weight so I'm super…
  • Today I am 6 days post partum, little Aiden was born march 6th at 1025 weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces and 20 inches long. I delivered at 144 pounds even. Starting weight was 115 at 5'4, so I gained 29 pounds total. Today at 6 days postpartum I weigh 126.8, so far that's about 18 pounds lost and I am EBF. Started slow walking…
  • Final weigh in since I'm getting induced tonight! 38 weeks today and weigh 144 even bringing my gain to 29 pounds. Starting weight was 115 at 5'4. I chose not to log the last few days and actually indulged a bit since I ate pretty freaking healthy the whole time and worked out until three days ago as well. My goal was to…