tcpwade Member


  • I have a tendency to give up too. I'm back after a long break, myself and what is working for me right now is that I had my husband hide the scale from me. I find that I do great the first week. I track, I exercise, I feel SO great about myself, and then if I jump on that scale, so excited and proud of myself and don't see…
  • That entire video was hilarious.
  • I have a lot of the same reasons already listed- I'm a work from home mom- so DVD's or at home workouts allow me to fit into my schedule and my day whenever I want. It's a lot less expensive than a gym membership or paying for a class- though I do occasionally like to mix things up by attending an instructed class every…
  • I also have a pancake recipe that uses it. 6 egg whites 1 cup cottage cheese (I use 2%) 1 cup old fashioned oats 2 tsp sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp vanilla You blend it in the blender and then use just like pancake batter. Makes about 3 servings or about 8-10 pancakes. i serve them with an all fruit, no HFCS jam that I melt…
  • I've always eaten it with pineapple or peaches mixed into it. Lately- I've taken to eating it with scrambled eggs for breakfast. I saw it on pinterest and even my "hates cottage cheese" hubby will eat it that way. It's a great recipe for someone who has issues with the texture of cottage cheese. I just wizz 2 egg whites, 1…
  • I wouldn't go so far as to say that counting calories is completely useless as the trainer did in the beginning, but I will say that focusing only on calories in vs calories out is not the way to go either. There is so much more to getting to a healthy place than just counting calories. You should also be paying attention…
  • I recently bought a variety to try because our grocery store had them on sale 10 for 10- so they were only $1 each. I really, really liked the White Chocolate Macadamia and Peanut Butter Crunch by Clif bars, and I really liked the Luna bars as well. The Luna ones were lower in calories but I use the Clif bars to replace my…