

  • Make sure you are getting protein and some fat at every meal. Be careful of the carbs, they spike your blood sugar and then drop you. Good luck!
  • Jenn, It sounds like you have done a ton of research just as I have. I would love to catch up with you somehow to see if we could trade/share information learned - it may prove helpful. Have you read "Wheat Belly" ? Heather
  • Wow - I have so much to say after reading all of your posts, most of which I could have written myself. I too am 44 and am definitley in peri-menopause. I used to weigh between 115 - 120 for many years (5'3 1/2") and ate sensibly pretty healthy food but mostly just kept calorie count and stayed around 1200. I walked 3-5…
  • I am in Virginia Beach! Would also love to add some friends from this area :)
  • I am 43 and had lost weight 5 years ago and kept it down for 3+ years, then somehow over the last year and half I have "found" 30 lbs and don't really know how they got here ! I am back to counting calories which is what really worked for me in the past. Bottom line is you have to keep your calories down and for my height…