

  • Gayle, I am like you. I hate exercise. However, I have managed to get over to the Wellness Center 2 or 3 times a week and put in 40 minutes. Getting out the door is the hard part for me. I have let my daily morning routine control my life. Get up, check emails and Facebook, do my morning devotions, shower and get ready for…
  • I'm thinking I need to lower my daily calorie goal. In the past I always needed to get down to 1200. However, based on what all the diet and fitness websites say, I am supposed to be able to lose on anywhere from 0 to 1800. NOT! I noticed that some of you have taken it down to 1200. I've been on 1500, but it's really slow…
  • Merriegranny - How are you doing? For the first time in my life I am being consistent about exercise. Not doing a lot, because I don't like exercise. But the 40 minutes I spend on the cross trainer at my Wellness Center is going by faster now. I learned how to make my smartphone work so I can listen to favorite radio…
  • Lee, I enjoyed your response. I have been going over the Wellness Center a couple of times a week to swim with the grandkids. I'm going over today to use the cross-trainer. I have been faithfully recording my eating and weight and exercise on this site. It is really handy. You mentioned possible hip surgery. I had my left…
  • Oh, please don't quit this group. I'm going to try to be good about posting. I need this. I live alone in a community where I have few friends and acquaintances. It's a rural town. My social media and things like this are important. Don't give up on this group. I imagine you probably belong to some other groups also.
  • I could have written your post. I'm 67 and about 100 lbs overweight. People don't think I'm that large because I'm tall. I'm tired all the time from dragging this blubber around. I had lost 15 lbs a year ago, but gained it back over the winter and am having trouble getting in the groove again. I also hate exercise. It…