

  • I used to eat a hard boiled egg and an apple during the late afternoon snack attack at like 3pm. It kept me full enough to work out right when I left the office!
  • I like the idea of creative sandwiches - some other ideas... - Healthy pasta salad with homemade olive oil dressing and fill with veggies, chicken, and ww pasta - Premade salad shakers in tupperware or jars - Make a bunch of veggie burritos, freeze, and then microwave throughout the week - What about trying healthy…
  • 1 - diced tomatoes, balsamic, olive oil, garlic, onion 2 - pesto, roasted brussels sprouts, italian sausage (turkey) 3- butter, garlic, pepper, parmesan
  • My neighborhood has only 1 fast food restaurant in the area (McDonald's) and I'm never tempted to go there. I live in the city and I am surrounded by so many good local and ethnic eateries that fast food doesn't tempt me. Also I share a car with the hubby so we live quiet a pedestrian lifestyle. We ate much more fast food…
  • Between my husband and I we usually spend $70-90 a week, and we really only buy the essentials for the week (I don't really stock up on pantry items unless it's SUPER on sale). If we do our shopping at the Target grocery store we save a LOT and usually spend $40-60. I just don't like their produce department, so I shop at…
  • Perfume: 1. Allure by Chanel 2. Chance by Chanel 3. Flowerbomb by Viktor Rolf 4. Princess by Vera Wang Lotions: 1. Falling in Love by Philosophy 2. Ultra Healing Jergens... yup basic 'ol stuff Candles/Air Fresheners: Lavender, Lilac, Bergamont, or Sandalwood
  • I'm pretty traditional - maybe a cute bouquet of flowers, chocolates, wine. One of those three and just my hubby making dinner and doing the dishes for me would be great!
  • Thin crust, veggie pizza is a good bet. Eat 2 slices with a salad and you'll be good to go!
  • I wouldn't wear navy stockings or patterned. You could pull off a sheer black hosiery with the outfit, though. If the weather where you live is warm enough, I'd skip the hose altogether and just moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
  • It's just my husband and I right now... we spend about $80 a week on groceries, and that can include odds 'n ends like TP, toothpaste, vitamins, etc. Some weeks are less - I try to only buy produce on sale and use up all my leftovers and not toss away food I have at home. Eating out is another story... probably close to…
  • Chickpeas with tomatoes and rice. Simmer some onion/garlic/cumin in a saucepan and add the tomatoes and chickpeas. Simmer for 15 minutes until it turns into a nice sauce. Serve 1 cup of the mixture over rice and top with cilantro. Delish!
  • Anything, really. I don't want to deprive myself. Rice, pasta, pizza.... i can keep it all in as long as I log/prepare for it ahead of time
  • I usually change it up every week. Last week: Flat Out wrap with cream cheese, turkey, veggies. This week: Salad with apples, gorgonzola, walnuts, and raspberry dressing. I also like to make a big vat of soup on Sunday at eat it throughout the week.
  • String Cheese!
  • Flat out wrap spread with laughing cow cheese, 3 slices of turkey Carrots Hummus
  • Hungry Girl has a great pulled bbq chicken recipe that you make in the slow cooker. I think the basic ingredients for the sauce are tomato sauce, ketchup, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar,. So good! Look it up! Otherwise I haven't had much success with my slow cooker. Most stuff comes out tasting the same!
  • Hey, if sleeping in separate bedrooms works for you and you are in a happy, healthy marriage - more power to you IMO. I wouldn't mind a few nights a week to sleep on my own, but honestly most nights I don't even notice my hubby is there. We stay on our same sides and he doesn't snore (and I don't think I do!).
  • I'm 5'7", 186lbs and wear a US size 12 or 14. I am aiming for 150-160 lbs and am about a US size 8 - 10 at that weight.
  • Check out Great recipes for people on a budget, I can cut most of her recipes in half for two people and they are CHEAP! You can healthify most of them too. I also started saving $ on groceries by not tossing leftovers or freezing things for later. I used to just toss leftovers and make a new meal…
  • I'm in Wisconsin and the temp with wind chill is 25 below zero. Tonight I will most likely skip the gym and do a total body aerobics tape at home.
  • My initial goal is to be 160 - I feel great at 170 and imagine at 160 I'll feel like a rail! I am 5'7" If I can keep going, I'll try for 150-155 but I want to get to 160 first. *Edited to add height!
  • Increase your calorie intake by 300, and make sure those 300 are healthy nutrient dense foods that will fill you up, not processed foods that will not keep you full. Add on a salad with a meal or a piece of fruit here and there, or some healthy fat that is satiating like cheese, lean meat, etc.
  • Don't let it get to you! A lot of people will be disappointed you're not around anymore for unhealthful lunch outings or donuts or whatever else you used to snack on around the office. Don't let them drag you down! :) Sounds like a great snack!
  • Wisconsin!
  • Marketing for a museum in my area
    in Jobs Comment by sally414 January 2013
  • Peel off the little nub at the top of the avocado. If underneath is green, it is just ripe and will last a few days. If it is very brown, is probably over ripe.
  • A great website to find budget friendly recipes: This is one of my faves, and I usually cut her recipes in half since I only have a 2 person household, so it's even less expensive!
  • Friday I am going to make some type of vegetarian pasta for dinner... maybe with some warm crusty Italian bread... Saturday my husband and I are going to a football party so we will see what options are at the host's house. I need to bring something and was thinking of a healthy slaw of some kind... Sundays we usually do…
  • Maybe you can find a workout DVD to do at home? Half of it in the morning, half of it later at night? Depending on the age of your child, maybe he/she can join in or even bounce around the room with you! Good for you to try and keep activity in your life despite a hectic schedule. I hope you find something that works!
  • I really love my arms and my clavicle area (haha is that weird?) but whatever that's what I like!!!