

  • I am working on when my sweet tooth hits in the middle of the work day to hit up my greek yogurt that I bring to work. On the way home I eat an apple....I have also been working on not eating at least two hours before bed, and if I get hungry I drink water or a glass of milk.
    in HELP Comment by kbroche5 January 2014
  • I got my treadclimber a few weeks ago and that 30 minutes 3 times a week must take some building up to.....I can get about 12 minutes at 1.6 and I am done......anyone else???
  • I am usually pretty good about making sure that I am sticking to my portion sizes. I am an ex WW member so portion size is not an issue. It is the issue of not being hungry or not wanting what is in the house. I do not add my activity at work when I get home, it is the 30 minute walk that I do when I get home, which is 2…
    in HELP Comment by kbroche5 January 2014
  • Happy new year, my name is Kimberly Roche, and I working on starting 2014 on a positive note of wanting to get out of the 200's and back down into the 150's. That means about 62 lbs, this is my goal by my 38th birthday, which is the end of May. I have done it before it is just hard when I am working and have three…
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