

  • I had this pain for over a year! Someone suggested I buy a new pair of shoes specifically designed to help with PF. I bought a pair of New Balance sneakers. The cost was expensive ($120) but the pain was gone within a week!
  • 1200 Calories is very realistic, depending on how badly you want to lose the weight. At my heaviest I was 235 pounds. I am 5' 7". I am now at 144. Was it easy? Absolutely not. But I wouldn't change this journey for anything. You can do this!
  • HI, If you would let me know exactly what you are eating I could better tell you part of why you are having trouble losing weight. But, the key is if you are not burning more calories than you are taking in on a regular basis you will not lose weight. More often than not we think we are being honest with our portion sizes…
  • I was the same as you. I had no upper arm strength. Without even thinking Yoga could help with this I bought the Bob Harper Yoga DVD. In a few weeks I was doing 20 pushups! Give it a try!
  • I just ran my first half marathon last week in Philly and loved every second of it! It would help to know what your training schedule is to give you the best advice. Are you stretching before (important) and after (very important) each run? What is your diet like? There are so many factors that could be causing this…
  • Good for you! What areas do you need the most support?