FHodgson Member


  • Hi there - I love your attitude, I'd be happy to help with support! I'm 37, and have four children. Frances
  • You absorb iron better if you have something with vitamin C in at the same time. Also tannin inhibits iron absorption so avoid tea and red wine around your meals. Iron from vegetables and pulses is more bioavailable than iron from meat, so you don't necessarily need as much of it. If you decide you need to supplement, you…
  • Hi I'm a massive Firefly and Game of Thrones fan. I also love books, animals and tea. I can't crochet but I do knit and embroider. Can I join you? I really want to increase my fitness levels so it would be great to have a knowledgeable friend with brains I can pick! Frances (uk)
  • I've found it surprisingly easy so far, even having difficulty eating up to my calorie goal on most days, and I've exercised every day except 2, both of which were due to absolutely no time rather than me not wanting to. I'm thoroughly disheartened this morning to find that after losing 4lb last week I have put 1lb back on…
  • I too have just done day 3 at level 1. My calves are sore but nowhere near as bad as yesterday, and it was slightly less difficult today than yesterday - nice to feel an improvement already! Works well for me because I'm very short on time so great to have something I can do in less than 30 mins which is still effective.…