

  • HW: 385 (Nov 2010) SW: 325 (Jan 2013) CW: 295 Goal: 240 Motivation: Completing the Tough Mudder in November 2013 with a bunch of younger guys that worked for me when I was 385.
  • You should 'play around' with the different percentages to see what works best for you and your daily activity level/goals. When I started, I would use one set of 'goals' a week and see what worked best. I finally found that C 40, P 30, F30 worked best for me when I wanted to maintain muscle and lose body fat. I have lost…
  • Been a MFP member going on three years. When I use the phone app to track all my food, I have been successful. I've lost 85#s to date...though I started at a pretty heavy weight. My current goal is sitll 50#s away. I've usually only used MFP for the first 03 months of the year during my work weight loss competition, then…
  • Maybe a little success...My last post was on the 20th. On the 19th I decided to give myself a 10 challenge (not the Tapout one, but my own), by sticking with the dvds for 10 days straight (had been skipping days, previous post said day 6, meant workout 6) with one OFF day. I stayed OFF the scale, followed the MFP calories…
  • I, too, am pretty overweight at 312#, 6'6" in height. I've completed day 06, no loss on the scale, but I am feeling much better. I do, however, find it hard to believe that this stuff will be much easier at day 90. Any other big, tall fellas complete this? What were your results? Oh, I don't follow the diet plan per Tapout…