stoverk2 Member


  • Another great website for this is Her tagline is "My stomach is full, and my wallet is too" and all of her recipes are great for quick, healthy, and CHEAP meals! I eat her baked oatmeal almost every morning, and have had success with a lot of her other recipes like lasagna roll ups, taco bowls, and the…
  • I just finished 90 days with a modified version of ChaLean Extreme and got great results. I wasn't entirely satisfied with her cardio, so I did only the "circuit videos" (3 a week) and did Insanity workouts or went running 3 days a week, with one rest day. ChaLean is also available for download if you can't afford the…
  • Is it there when you're standing upright? I mean, when I sit down or slouch I have those "fat" rolls, but when I stand up or sit with good posture, you can almost see my individual ribs. I've seen even the most fit people slouch themselves over and pull at "fat rolls" or puff their stomachs out to prove how fat they are.…