My husband and I own the FitBit One and we. are. addicted. I'm not the kind of person who gets into motivational stuff or accomplishments, but this FitBit has awakened me. I work at home and was leading a very sedentary life. I walk at least twice a day now, and my goal every single day is 10,000 steps or more. The FitBit…
I bought a FitBit for my husband and I about 3 weeks ago. I haven't put it down since. I have been enlightened on how sedentary a desk job is!! I never, ever thought something this small would be so motivational. I'm not the kind of person who goes after badges and accomplishments, but you have no idea how many times we've…
First post, go easy on me! I used to be this way myself. I'd do great for a little while, but rarely for more than a month at a time. I quit smoking in 2009 cold turkey, and it was probably the easiest thing I ever did. Why? I don't actually know WHY it was as easy as it was, but it was like a light bulb went off in my…