I've lost and gained the same 10-15 pounds at least three times over the past several years. Now I'm the heaviest I've ever been, partly due to some uncontrollable binge eating from last year into this year. HOWEVER, I was diagnosed with ADHD last month and now I'm on medication. I'm thinking -- and I hope I'm right --…
Hi all. Looking for some more friends so that we can encourage and cheer on each other! I'm 37 and a mom of one.
Hey there -- feel free to add me as well! Here's my extra-geeky reason for losing weight... I'm going to a Wizard World con in a couple months!
OK: Today I'm a nerd because I just spent way too much time looking for ringtones/alert tones for my new iPhone (6, yay!)... including stuff from My Neighbor Totoro, Super Mario, Star Trek TNG, Doctor Who...
I haven't read the book but I've seen the UK series. I liked it but prefer our version; my British husband prefers the British version. :smile: We're not done watching the latest series yet but I keep seeing spoilers online by accident! Grr...
Love it!! I like this Moffat quote where's he's talking about the Doctor & Sherlock: "They're also sort of opposites. I always think of the Doctor oddly enough, strangely enough, as more human. He's like an angel who aspires to be human, whereas Sherlock Holmes is a human being who aspires to be a god. He's rejecting the…
Doctor Who & X-Files fan raising my hand! :) (Now that would be an interesting crossover episode...)
I currently work full time and have a 2-year-old son who never stops moving or talking! :smile: I usually wake up at 6 a.m. on weekdays to exercise for about half an hour; otherwise, it won't get done! I was just about to post here looking for other mom friends, actually.
First, happy birthday! My stats are pretty similar to yours -- I started out at 130 and I'm 5' tall (or, 5' short, haha). I actually found that staying at 1200 calories frequently gave me a headache and left me too hungry, so I'm trying to aim for 1300-1350, and that's going well. As an example, in the last week I lost 2…
I use it too! I'd be happy to friend anyone who's on there.
I'd love to join if it's not full!
I'm back too (with a new account). I lost weight from 2011-2012 and gained it all back in '12. I'm here again to get back in shape!