

  • This is my second ever post. Someone did a "Quote" on my post on the thread of pro++ One person commented that I should look up amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and another comment was made that protein's potential damage has been debunked by a Phd. This is my last post on the subject because I'm not sure if…
  • Any McDougallers still out there? I've never done on line support/chatting. Saw pics of self yesterday and was stunned at my weight gain. I have become F-A-T. Have degree in Exercise Physiology & nutrition. Knowledge w/o accompanying behavior sucks! I'm very pleased with what I have learned by studying McDougall approach.…
  • Too much protein makes you sick. It is simply an imbalance in nutrition. Hard on the bones and hard on the kidneys and challenges the liver. Over time you simply age more. (historically, Roman soldiers were known as the "Barley Men" and refused all meat before battle). Science supports and debunks the idea that eating >…
  • A "High Protein Diet" is based upon poor, meat & dairy industry based research. Those two food industries are the major lobbiest for the food industry in Washington D.C. They are also the greatest contributors to research, greatly distorting our general knowledge of diet and nutrition. Protein is less calorie dense than…
  • I am retiring from teaching adapted PE and am entering Act III of my life. My new "Job" is to return to fitness. It has been years. I study nutrition, exercise physiology, pay gym memberships and have even attended two of Dr. McDougall's events. But in the past I have done nothing. I've gotten too wrapped up in work. The…