routsongk Member


  • No time to exercise? Seriously? I don't buy it. Add 30 minutes of exercise per day (walking is great) and you won't have to give up so many foods (and others won't seem like "pricks") In my opinionm with the deprivation and lack of exercise, you're setting yourself up for failure.
  • If you're serious about cycling, I suggest bypassing the big-box stores (and your garage) and going to a bike shop. Yes, you'll pay more for a bike at the bike shop, but believe me, you'll be much happier with the bike, and as a result will ride more. There just isn't any comparison to the bikes sold at box stores and the…
  • Good stuff. Thanks for sharing :smile:
  • Motivation is subjective. From your post, I would say you're doing too much too soon, and you're not having fun. The trick is to find activities you like to do. Start slow and build on it. You also need to eat right - eat the right foods, the right portions, etc. before you'll see any progress. You have to take it one day…
  • They also made this on Five Ingredient Fix on Food Network:
  • Just taking it one day at a time and recommitting to eating right and exercising every single day. As the days string together, before you know it, several months have gone by and the weight has come off.
  • Some people don't think of yardwork as "exercise" I suppose. The rest of us know better :smile:
  • You might want to check the goal percentages to make sure they are correct. The "normal" recommended breakdown of carbs, fats, and protein is 50%, 30%, and 20% respectively. I've also seen recommendations of 40% carbs, 30% fat, and 30% protein. Maybe by adjusting your goals to these values, you might find it easier to stay…
  • I totally understand the joy you are feeling. I started out a size 22 in August, got down to an 18 in September, and kept wearing those jeans until they just about fell off at the airport security line in January (when I had to take off my belt). After that, I figured I'd better get some clothes that fit!! When I went…
  • Six months ago, I was you and asking myself the same thing. I started out with the 1-mile Walk Away the Pounds DVD. It takes about 15 minutes to complete. I liked it because I could adjust the intensity to my ability. Mine came in a set with the 1, 2, and 3 mile workouts, so over the course of a few weeks, I was able to…
  • I just started spinning two weeks ago. The class kicks my butt, but I look forward to it just the same. It's one of those things that is pure agony while you're doing it, but the class goes fast and when you're done, you feel GREAT! I was intimidated, too, but I talked with a couple of regulars about it, and they assured…
  • I get pain in my right knee and my left hip, but orthotics (custom arch supports) seem to help. Perhaps you should go see a podiatrist to see if they might help you.
  • Your life as you knew it is over. It's okay to mourn for a while, but TAKE YOUR POWER BACK! Food has no power. Your husband has no power YOU HAVE ALL THE POWER!