chyscott78 Member


  • I am doing the same thing. My total goal is to loose 25 lbs. So for every 5 lbs I loose I am allowing myself to buy something just for me within a $20 range. So for my first 5 I bought myself a new top. Once I reach my ultimate weight I am going to buy myself a whole new outfit. Shopping is one of my favorite things too!
  • Hi, great idea! Age: 34 Kids: (3) - stepson 13, son 3, son(baby) 8 months on Jan 21. Height - 5'5 HW - 184 (right before giving birth to last son) SW - 160 CW - 154 GW - 135 ( what I weighed at my wedding 5 1/2 years ago)
  • Candy is my down fall, but I have cut way back on this. I have only been allowing myself 1 to 2 small pieces a day. It seems to be working as I don't feel like I am doing without, but just scaling way back.