

  • I have the same cravings! I can't say I have a great solution... my best way to combat it has been to not have sweet snacks in the house, but now with two kids that hardly ever happens! :ohwell: I've kept sweeter cereals in the house so I'll go for a bowl of granola with some chocolate chips or Kashi Cinnamon Harvest…
  • My favorite park is definitely Epcot, but Magic Kingdom is very close behind. My favorite ride - the one I can never miss when we go - would have to be It's a Small World. I know many will disagree, but it was the first ride for both my kids and I remember their faces that first time every time I ride it now. I love the…
  • Thanks, I'll definitely try it. All I need for the recipe is the fresh herbs... I'll report back after I do! I do the same thing with the Disney recipes. We have such great memories... and making some of the foods at home is a fun and delicious way to relive them. When I'm "homesick" for Disney, I open up my Disney recipes…
  • That sounds delicious! I wonder... do you think it would be good over rice or some other grain instead of rolled and fried?? Trying to stay away from fried food... it's my achilles heel (I'll admit it... I steal french fries from my kids) :tongue:
  • Ginger Salad Dressing Japan Pavilion, Epcot Ingredients 1/2 C Sliced White Onion 1/2 C Vegetable/Canola Oil 1/2 C Rice Vinegar 1/2 C Japanese Soy Sauce 2 tsp. Sugar 2 Tbsp. Fresh Ginger Root, peeled and chopped 1/2 tsp. Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice 1/2 tsp. Salt 1/2 tsp. Black Pepper Place all ingredients in a blender and…
  • 'Ohana Honey Lime Salad Dressing Ingredients 1/2 C honey 1 tsp dry mustard 1 tsp salt 1/2 C cider vinegar 1/4 C lime juice 1/4 C diced onion 1 C canola oil Place all ingredients except oil in a blender and blend until smooth. Slowly add oil until it is well incorporated into the dressing. Makes 2 Cups | Serving Size 2…