pghatc41 Member


  • Congratulations to all who have made it this far. I am wavering a bit as the excuses built up over the past week and a half but hope to get back at it today. I did core synergistics this morning and plan to get through the week and get back to the program next week.
  • Sorry for the late weigh-in: 1/3: 191.2 1/8: 192.8 1/15: 190.6 1/22: 189.2 1/29: 189 2/5: 188.6 2/12: 187.8 For some reason was ravenous all weekend so diet was blown to bits but back on the wagon for next 5 days and hopefully the weight will continue the downward trend. Keep up the good work everybody--about halfway there!
  • W6D6 down, did plyometrics this pm. I also did Insanity plyometrics this week, with mixed results. I wish I could do the Level 1 and 2 exercises better. Those are brutal. Otherwise, looking forward to the weigh-in tomorrow morning. I can hardly believe I have done exercises for 36 days.…
  • 1/3: 191.2 1/8: 192.8 1/15: 190.6 1/22: 189.2 1/29: 189 2/5: 188.6 Still trending slowly down, expected to lose a little more than 1/2 pound as I went hard with the cardio this week but when I measured body fat with my little meter, I was down 1.5% in one week so very happy with that number. I plan to stop obsessing weekly…
  • I like the Yoga DVD, just have a hard time finding a quiet 1.5 hours to do it. I don't remember that infomercial, I will have to look for it when I do Yoga (hopefully) tomorrow. Heading to the elliptical and weights and looking forward to the weigh-in tomorrow morning
  • A bit behind in posting my figures but here they are: SW: 1/3: 191.2 1/8: 192.8 1/15: 190.6 1/22: 189 The weight is trending in a good direction, have a hand held body fat meter and my body fat is only down 1%, which is disappointing to me. It was trending better until the recovery week when I had to take a couple of days…
  • W4D3 done, going to do core synergistics tomorrow, not a favorite but like it better than my Friday workout, Yoga! Anxious to see what my weight and measurements will look like this weekend.
  • Looking forward to the recovery week, feeling a bit tired and rundown (got lots of snow over past 3 days so shovelling 2x/day doesn't help). Numbers still trending in right direction so I am happy and motivated. Didn't think I would notice a difference in only 3 weeks but happily I do. More energy and can feel I am a bit…
  • W3D1 just done, I tried Core Cardio and Balance from Insanity. It was less intense than the other Insanity DVD's I tried but I still was unable to do everything without a bit of a rest inbetween so I think I still got a good workout in. Slacked a bit on the diet this weekend (the first half of the Steelers game drove me to…
  • Pleasantly surprised this morning at weigh-in: SW 1/3 191.2 1/8 192.8 CW 1/15 190.6 My body fat measurement is down 1.2% over past 2 weeks and got a comment last night that I look like I lost some weight so that was encouraging. Still have chest/back to do today and then rest day tomorrow. I am starting to feel like a…
  • Done with Kenpo so one more day this week, chest/shoulders tomorrow morning. Diet is not as great as I had hoped but the energy during the exercises I have is increasing so if only I could get motivated to eat better. I am definitely eating more fruit than ever, just need to cut back on that daily soda/pop I can't seem to…
  • W2D1 is done, did Pure Cardio of the Insanity DVD's. Brutal. Just wanted to do a bit more cardio and less weights this go-round so I will try this instead of the Legs/Back DVD. Really going to concentrate on the diet as looking at the chart many of the challengers lost a bit of weight so I want to get that down a bit as…
  • My first weigh-in results: SW 191.2 CW 192.8 Not too surprised it has gone up but my approximate body fat went down .5% so I am not concerned about weight increase at this time. I am debating dropping the legs/back day of P90X and doing another cardio day, like cardio x or one of the insanity discs. I feel like I would…
  • Done with W1D5, Yoga X. Seemed to go faster than 1.5 hours, and I think I did better with it than the previous 2 times I tried it. A little painful on my sore shoulder but just modified movements to compensate. Lots of room to improve. Almost done with week 1, wondering where I will be with weigh-in tomorow as I did a…
  • W1D3 done, did PlyoX. Wow, was a bit disappointed in how I felt while doing it as it was a lot harder than when I previously was doing it. I didn't realize I was that out of shape. However, it is one of my favorite workouts (and all the comments from Tony make me laugh while doing it as well).
  • Here are my measurements: Weight: 191.2 Body Fat (approx): 22% Waist: 39.5 Hips: 40.5 Chest: 41.75 Right arm (relaxed): 13.25 Left arm (relaxed): 13 Right thigh: 20.75 Left thigh: 20.5 Also for accuracy sake, I changed from lean to classic program...will be doing shoulders and arm program today...
  • I think I am going to do classic instead of lean. I did Kenpo early this afternoon, and will have to get my measurements later tonight. I did weigh in at 191.2 with an approximate body fat of 22%. Looking forward to getting that down....
  • Plan to start Lean program on January 3. Looking forward to tracking my progress with all of the challengers!