kem2070 Member


  • Did the Kentucky Bourbon Trail in May. Totally worth it. Able to complete in two days (and added trip to Buffalo Trace, which is no longer part of the trial). I would like to add Elmer T. Lee to the list of bourbons everyone should try. We used to get it here in Washington state, but it is now a lot more difficult. Should…
    in Bourbon Comment by kem2070 July 2014
  • Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie (book three of The First Law) and I am Providence by S.T. Joshi (biography of HP Lovecraft). I'm reading the Abercrombie book as I picked up the first book of the series while on a trip so I'd have something to read on the plane. Totally hooked and would highly recommend for…
  • Oatmeal with fresh berries cut and thrown in. It is low calorie and helps lower cholesterol (I have been eating this every weekday morning for a year and my total cholesterol has gone from 197 to 111.)
  • As of March 29, I have 56 miles walked! I was also able to lose at least two pounds. Time to start thinking how I will push myself in April.
  • Like both Star Wars and Star Trek. Love Doctor Who. The early seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel were good. Love the writing of HP Lovecraft. Play WoW. Have my Atari 2600 and Sega Genesis still hooked up as well as the Xbox. I read when I can, but often fall asleep on the couch. Took the test...not sure how I…
  • Originally from western Kentucky, now living in western Washington state