

  • I completely understand! Just had a new baby in November and even tho I didn't gain but 5 pounds thru the whole pregnancy, I want to see myself healthier! This place is great! Everyone is so encouraging! Good luck to you on your journey! U can do it!
  • Hello...New here too! Well only been here a few days but I really love it so far. Everyone is great and offers wonderful advice! I'm adding u now :)
    in Friends? Comment by atate24 January 2011
  • Awww paperboy what a great motivation story! U brought tears to my eyes! I'm so proud of you for losing all that weight, and u are right the weight that u have gained back will be gone soon! And hey u too! keep ur chin up! I know u can do it!
  • Thank you both! I can't wait to be able to sit down and actually play with this website and find all the neat tools! I just updated my profile and was in the process of trying to figure out how to put a picture on here, but the baby is waking up so I better tend to her... :)