KSML1 Member


  • I have recently pulled out my Firm DVD and am glad I did. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed the workouts. I pre-ordered the newest one tonight on Amazon and should get it next week. How do you calculate the calories burned when you log in your workouts?
  • Has anyone looked at The Firm Express videos? (www.thefirmdirect.com) I am curious about the Thin in Thirty Series. Wonder how it compares to P90X?
  • Did you use The Firm Express - Thin in Thirty dvds? I have seen these and am thinking about getting them for myself. Any comments or feedback?
  • Have you taken the classes in a studio? Are they similar to other dvds you have used at home? Apparently the PB dvd doesn't use a bar, but maybe a chair.
    in Pure Barre Comment by KSML1 January 2011
  • How long is each DVD or session?
  • Thanks for all the posts and new friends. Question today - What is your healthy lunch? Do you go out, brown bag or eat at home? Fortunately I live close enough to home that I can eat there everyday (and should!). Today I got a little sidetracked with errands and decided to go for a quick pizza buffett. Bad choice but I had…
  • Yay! New friends already. First question - how do you fit in working out into your day? Mornings are not good for me. Trying to get DS to school and then to my office leaves no time for that. I try to walk or take an aerobics class in the afternoons when my child has an activity. But today, in SC we have 8 inches of snow…
  • I am 5"2" and at 129lbs. The rest of your post could have been written by me. :)
  • I'm 5' 2" and I would love to weigh 115lbs. I am over 40 and have found that my metabolism has really slowed down. I would love any support!
  • Me, too. This site is much more straight forward about weight loss. It is calories in vs. calories out. WW is the same to some extenet but you think of food in points instead of calories, fat, etc. I think you get a better view of what foods are better choices on this site.
  • Hmmm... the Athleta brand is also one of the Gap stores (so is Old Navy). Wonder if they are similar in style and quality? Thanks for posting. I will definitely check out next time I am in Old Navy.
  • If you are working and looking for a different lunch during the week, I would say a Lean Cuisine might be what you are looking for. It is probably hard to cook a meal at work which means eating out or packing a lunch., The new market creations are not bad and are pretty low in calories. I use coupons all the time and have…