marathonette Member


  • I have a special notebook for all of my bibs and I clip them in. I have been keeping them for almost 10 years. I collect the medals and pin them in a shadow box picture frame and hang it on the wall. Getting ready to start a new one...It is so inspiring to see where I have been and look forward to each new medal. I always…
  • 1st day, 30 min fitness express circuit routine at Planet fitness, then 12 minute ab express routine.
  • Just getting back to this site after a year. Forgot how wonderful it was. Doing a 6 week American cancer org activity with work. Need 10000 steps a day for 6 weeks. Almost all activities translate to steps. My primary ones are running and biking. 50 days is exactly how long this thing lasts. You guys are so motivating...I…
  • A big hello from Toledo, OH. Had some snow, then warm rain, then sunshine. Now it's freezing cold and windy again. I'll be working out indoors again tomorrow. Tis the season. Can't wait until March. 50 degrees is going to feel balmy :happy: