crookeddall Member


  • Thanks for that! Will go read article now :) The babies are currently 8lb 1oz and 6lb 6oz.... I do remember nurses in nicu saying that with prem babies (mine were born at 35weeks) that the body creates fattier breastmilk for them and it can be why mothers of those babies, who are breastfeeding, tend to lose quite a bit of…
  • Oh and am not really in this solely to lose weight/diet but mostly to keep track of my intake as I lost over 20kg carrying my twins and would like to not put any of that back on!! Will get into the loss side of things later down the track (i.e exercise) once my supply is more even.
  • I'd like to know too... have twins who are five weeks old and they're being exclusively breastfed (95% of the time). When I added it to my food diary, it says 1000cals burned.... surely that can't be? But I'll take it....!! haha Just wondering if there's any other twin mums on here who are also breastfeeding?