lkocher01 Member


  • That sounds awesome. Do you know the calorie count for them?
  • I just got on the scale this morning and ended up in tears. I am eating right (too low according to the log on some days) and I am up .6 pounds. I am about to throw in the towel, but i know that's not the answer. If anyone can help, I would appreciate. I just really need some encouragement today.
  • Marzetti has a greek yogurt vegetable dip that is really good. I buy the carrot chips that you can find where the bagged salads are. It's a great snack. Sometimes, if I need carbs, I will buy the peppridge farm baked crackers, or baked tostitos and salsa---just don't deprive yourself. That always backfires on me. Good luck.
  • I think you may be working out TOO hard. I know that it seems like it should be working, but your body may be in starvation mode. You aren't eating enough calories to support the amount of working out that you are doing. That forces your body to hang on to every calorie. Also, with all that you are doing, you are probably…
  • Weight fluctuations suck, and they happen daily due to many factors. Stick to once a week. I also just go by how my clothes feel instead of measurements.
  • Sounds like we are all trying to lose about the same amount of weight. let's try to really help each other. I am only at a 3 lb loss after 2 weeks. Jennifer-congrats on 13 lbs. That has to feel great. You are probably already down a size in clothes.
  • I understand how you feel. I have really gained a lot of weight over the past 6 years. It seems like it just crept up and I know this sounds silly, but it's like I didn't see it and I didn't get it. I have to do something. I can't stand to be in this body anymore. I know what you mean about getting sluggish and feeling so…
  • It's going to be a long battle, but you can do it. (You and I have the same goal by the way, and mine is moving slowly, but moving nonetheless). I know you can do it. If you just make sure that you are getting good foods that are nutrient dense in those 1200 calories and not junk you will be fine. The combination of…