

  • I'm in my last week and I've lost 23 lbs so far
    in p90x??? Comment by EricBlem April 2010
  • Weighed myself on the original scale this past weekend, down 23 lbs! I'm pretty pumped for starting insanity, but I'm even more excited the do a hybrid when I finish. When Round 1 of insanity is all said and done I think I will spend at least a month in the gym and on the track until I hit that initial plateau, then I'm…
  • Did 60 days of the X last year, lost 26 lbs, gained 30 lbs last semester (my first in college lol), I'm on day 81 right now, as of two weeks ago i was down 16 lbs. I finish april 10, plan on starting insanity April 12. I did 3 weeks of mix and match insanity this past summer, all beachbody products are fitness gold
  • you cant target specific areas to lose fat, you lose it from your body in "sheets". also the muscle is under the fat, not vice versa. if your legs look "chunky" perhaps you should tone them up, ex. squats, lunges, plyometrics, deadlift, leg curls, leg extensions, biking