✅MFP USERNAME: loridianehood33 joined team - FRIENDED - YOUR NAME: Lori Hood CHALLENGE GOAL (NOT your goal weight but pounds to lose in 12 weeks of BLC56) 15-20 lbs FORMER MEMBER OR NEWBIE? Newbie How did you hear about this team? On the community page If you are a current member & wish to change teams, what team were you…
Okay I found the join button and clicked on it but I still cant copy and paste my answers onto a discussion. It won't let me post anything
I am also a binge eater....always have been. Just recently gained 17lbs in 6 weeks after Halloween. Was down to a weight I was happy at and hit a binge day that kept on going!! It is very doable. One program I suggest for binge eaters is OA...they are amazing and you don't have to be obese to join...they are a great…
- are drop dead gorgeous at both sizes...but congratulations on a job well done!!!!!