The BEST and Healthiest fat for popcorn is COCONUT OIL. I pop the corn right in it in a big pot the old fashion way. Melt a table spoon of oil in a big pot, add the pop corn(no more than will cover the bottom of the pot, then just hold it over the burner on the stove until the corn stops popping. You MUST keeping it moving…
Hi Patti My daughter and I are in the race for a healthier life. You and she are probably the same age and size. Why don't you give her a try? She is on MFP too, name is Donna C
AWESOME!!!!!!! Keep up the skinny. You look great! And I bet you feel even better
My knees tell me when its time for new shoes; but don't put it off
Hey Girl, you can do it. One very wise man once said, "Just Do It". But I do hear ya. Some times the best way to help ourselves is to help others. Can you help me? I started out pretty good and I've had a back side over the Easter Holidays; to many Easter goodies:(!! Tomorrow is a new day and I plan to assist you by asking…
As everyone has mentioned; have a support system. Mine is our family; we have created a Biggest Loser Challenge and we report in every week and encourage each other. We even have a Red Team and a Blue Team. We each put in $ 10.00 and the Biggest Loser we will win the whole pot at the end of this round; April 1st. We…
I eat whenever I feel hungry but I'm not a big breakfast eater; not usually