I got rid of most of them but kept one pair of pants. When I am having a day when I feel discouraged, I put on that pair of pants and it reminds me how far I have come.
People who stand in the aisles at the grocery store and talk, blocking the entire aisle. GRRRR!
I think their is a difference between "healthy" and "quality of life". Yes, someone who is obese may not smoke, drink, or have diabetes. They may not have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. But if you can't walk without get winded, or do the activites that you used to enjoy, does it really matter if you are…
I agree with some of the others. Go out on a few dates but don't rush to get exclusive. Keep focused on you. If he's the right guy, he'll support you getting healthy and taking things sloooww for now.
15.2 lbs
I have PCOS and am insult resistant. Most people can lose weight without going low carb. I, on the other hand, cannot.
Thank you for posting. I actually have this link on my photography page. I'm a professional photographer who hates to have their picture taken. I have made a resolution to get in more pictures this year even if I'm not at my ideal weight *yet*.
I'm in! 02/01->240.0 02/08-> 02/15-> 02/22-> 03/01->