

  • I'm adding you!! I have no friends either... lol I sound so sad :P
  • Holy crap!! I would have NEVER thought to make sweet omelets... GOING TO TRY IMMEDIATELY!
  • OMG YES YES YES to everyone People around my office always say "Its just one slice"... BUT ITS JUST ONE SLICE EVERY DAMN WEEK!! Ugh, it all adds up. I yelled at a co-worker whom I share an office with because he brought in a personal box of like 6 friggin top pot doughnuts. Gosh darnit. I'm getting a little better, in that…
  • Hello Everyone! My name is Talia. I am a single mother, full time student and employee, and a cub scout den leader and live in Redmond, WA! I spend all of my time giving to everyone around me (I'm not being ungrateful!) and I need to give myself some happiness in the form of a healthy weight. CW: 224 GW: 140 (I've never…
  • holy crap this is awesome!!! Great Job and thank you for motivating me to continue cutting out those nasty carbs!
  • OooOOoo so many of us here! May I please get some of you on my friends list?!? I'm 5'3" CW: 210 GW: 160ish? Lots of lean muscle is my goal so I'll find out if that is what I'll reach :D
  • Congrats! Doesn't it feel amazing to complete something that at some point in time during the process, you probably didn't think you would? I've cried so much because i push past my mind telling me to quit and actually complete the WODs :) I'm very happy for you! Ride that high and keep it up! :)
  • I have no idea, but thanks for posting this because now I may be more on my toes if I ever hear about it. Sounds like someone is getting their product and money in on a growing trend; CF. Seems like since it has gone so main stream everyone is trying to peddle products through the community.