

  • Since I started this journey, a whole month ago, I have noticed I am not hungry most of the day either. and having a hard time getting the calories needed. I have started eating an average of 100 calories an hour.... that way I get my calories in and I am NEVER hungry on purpose. That gets me 1200-1300 a day.
  • I think it is. You get a "truer" reading if the board is on hard surface instead of carpet. But as i have lost weight it tracks it just fine the pounds lost are the same on the Wii as my regular scale.
  • I don't get the pain but do have issues with RLS (I call it crazy legs) in evenings.... Diet drinks, or artificial sweetners are the cause for me. If I avoid them completely I have no issues, but when I have a large diet soda it will hit me. So I drink tonic water. It has quinine which cures the crazy legs with in 30…
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You look great and we can see in your face YOU fee; good!!!