jimandpam87 Member


  • I disagree that overeating during PMS is just an excuse. I, personally, do not really get cravings at all during TOM. I sometimes crave sweets a bit more, but nothing drastic that I see as a detriment to my diet. HOWEVER, I am SO MUCH HUNGRIER during TOM than any other time of the month. Now, I certainly can "control" what…
  • God, people are being so rude in this thread. The OP seems genuinely interested in doing what is best for her baby and is ASKING HOW TO DO THAT. Saying "some people shouldn't be allowed to breed" is so uncalled for it's ridiculous. Someone comes on here and asks a legitimate question and this is what she gets. It's no…
  • WHAT? Just...WHAT? ;) I have to put another vote in for Silver Linings Playbook. EVERYONE was raving about this, I thought it was just weird. I was sad b/c I love Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper. But just...no.
  • Old me: Taco Bell? BLECH New me: O mighty Cool Ranch Doritos Locos tacos, I bow down to thee (which is weird, b/c I don't particularly like Cool Ranch Doritos...go figure).
  • I really enjoy how almost no one actually answered the question lmao. Btw...chubby/pretty all the way! And by chubby I'm assuming you don't mean obese, but a few lbs overweight.
  • Yeah no, you need to run from this dude. Far away and fast. Trust me, I've been with a guy (also military, not that it matters) who liked to play games. IT DOESN'T WORK. You will get hurt. Also, why is the other girl a "skank"? You said yourself you were never officially dating.
  • He does sound annoying and obnoxious, but it doesn't sound like he's done anything that would cause serious problems. I would just chalk it up to "this is how he is" and just ignore it. Either that or, like others have said, say stuff right back. Maybe he's just an abrasive person and that's how you'll have to interact…
  • Maybe this is just the accountant in me coming out, but i actually really like counting calories. I like putting in what I eat and seeing how many I have left for the day. I like putting in my calories and knowing that I'm where I need to be for the day. It's not a chore for me, really. It really keeps me accountable as…
  • Oh God, it's painful to think about the way I used to eat. Unfortunately, I still occasionally have days like this, but they're few and far between luckily. I ate breakfast about half the time, and that was usually fast food (McDonald's bagel sandwich and hashbrown - about 700 calories). For lunch I might make a sandwich…
  • I'd feel really awkward dating someone that wasn't born in the same decade that I was. Therefore, I probably would only date people between the ages of 24-30 (I'm 25). I have more of an allowance for being older...idk why but I've never enjoyed the idea of dating a younger man. Luckily, my boyfriend is 27 so it's perfect.
  • Agreed. Especially if you have feelings for other men...it's really unfair to him to be pining for other dudes while he's assuming you're in a committed relationship. I don't blame you at all for feeling this way, and kudos for caring enough to want to do this the right way. A lot of girls would just do what they please…
  • I have a very big love/hate relationship with Man vs. Food lol. It's fun to watch and "live vicariously"...but it always makes me hungry and crave barbeque for some reason...
  • Avatar...although I kind of want to see it...
  • For some reason, The Sixth Sense really affected me. I think it's partly because I was like, 12 when I saw it. The little kid having to basically live with dead people just seriously freaked me out. Especially the part where the bodies are hanging in the gym. Ugh. Also, The Ring. Just because, well, it's The Ring. Who…
  • THIS for sure. My only reaction was "Okkkkkkk......"
  • I tried the MIO stuff a while back and didn't care for it. I thought it tasted weird. I started using lemon juice in a lot of the water that I drink. My boyfriend really likes lime in his water. Seems better than artificial stuff. Although I have to say, the new Crystal Lite stuff that came out that is similar packaging to…
  • Double majoring in Psychology and Accounting. I started in psych (with 2 minors required, Sociology and Biology), but realized that without an advanced degree psych is essentially useless. Discovered my love for Accounting and haven't looked back! I will have a minor in Bus. Administration as well (my school wants us to be…
  • THISSSSSSSS. The reason the whole myth of "eating before bed is bad" came about is b/c most people who were doing this were eating normally throughout the day and then eating lots of extra calories before bed. Yes, doing this, you will probably gain weight. However, if you eat at a number of calories that puts you in a…
  • I'm with the others who say to save some calories for night (if this is when you tend to binge). I've learned over the years that I just have a tendency to want to eat a lot more in the evening/night than during the day. Sometimes, I'm not even hungry until 3 or 4pm. I don't do IF per se, but I do a version of it where I…
  • 5'7". Right now I'm right around 180 lbs and am in a solid size 12 in most jeans.
  • I'm sorry but if you have the time/energy to judge me for wearing pajama pants to walmart at 3am, you have way too much time on your hands. I hate to offend all you budding fashionistas out there, but I wear PJ pants and a hoodie to the grocery store quite frequently (usually late at night). Judge away!! Oh, btw, I'm…
  • I definitely prefer working out alone, particularly when I'm running/walking. I am an introvert to begin with, but I also just work harder and longer when I've got good music blasting, and I feel like I have to talk to/entertain the person that goes with me. My boyfriend is always wanting to go running or to the gym with…
  • I seriously could have written your post about one of my exes. He had a lot of female "friends" and was constantly texting/on the phone with them. The kicker is he was SO freaky about his phone. From day one he was always saying, "don't go through my phone unless you ask first". He would always keep his phone turned over…
  • I don't think its a big deal, especially since he paid for the first date (and the movie on the 2nd). I personally think it should be 50-50, so it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me. It's all personal choice though.
  • Personally, I have lost almost 50 lbs from my starting weight eating out. A lot. Not everyday, but at least several times a week. It can be done. If you're counting calories on MFP, look up the calorie counts for McDonald's ahead of time and see what would do the least amount of damage. Really, a 6 piece chicken nugget is…
  • I am 5'7" and at my highest weight of about 235 I was a solid size 18 (but was in denial, so squeezed myself into 16's). Now, at 183 I am a solid size 12. Hoping, at goal weight, I'll be around a 6 in most stores. Keep in mind that the larger size you are the slower you will go down in size. They say every 10 lbs is a…
  • I really like Gracelyn, but IMO it just sounds weird with Trace (Grace and Trace?). Tessa sounds the best with Trace, but I don't really like that name. I'm not a huge fan of Alyssa, mainly because it seems to be kind of trendy in my age group (mid-twenties). There were a ridiculous amount of Alyssa's in my high school.…
  • I met my amazing boyfriend of almost a year on there, as well as other previous boyfriends. Obviously, you're going to have to weed through the creeps. It's really not that hard to spot them though. I do feel that there are genuine guys who really are looking for relationships on pof. You just have to be patient and talk…
  • It's definitely a help for me. Like others have said, when I consistently log in and record my calories, I lose weight. When I try to do it mentally, I end up either maintaining or slowly gaining. For me, it's not really about knowing how much I'm eating. I find, especially at this point in my diet journey, I'm pretty…