

  • It is so much harder to lose post-40!!! I'm really struggling - but determined to get this 15 lbs off. I keep falling off the wagon, but all you can do is just keep picking back up. Feel free to add me!
  • This is strictly my opinion - I'm not a therapist or psychologist and do not even play one on TV. :) As someone who's struggled with binge eating, I think it's very, very hard to give it up. For me, bingeing is a coping mechanism, and it makes me feel good temporarily. When I gain control of my eating, sometimes I actually…
  • I'm back at it, also! The normal 8-10 lb winter gain never really left me for any length of time last summer. Add another 5-7 lbs to that this past winter and I had more weight to lose than I've had in a while. It's been about 2 weeks and I've got about 8-11 left. I'm also trying this community/friend feature for the first…