Wholemeal Pita bread pocket filled with lettuce, grated carrot, bean sprouts, tomato or whatever. A LITTLE bit of fat - a dressing, a sprinkle of grated cheese or a tablespoon of cottage cheese or some avocado (not all of these, just one!) adds to the deliciousness and leaves me more satisfied, less likely to feel the need…
100 g of yoghurt, fresh fruit and just a sprinkle of some crunchy cereal. I don't get hungry before lunch time on this breajfast. It's a nice combination of tastes and textures. When I want a change, a poached egg on a piece of wholemeal toast and a few slices of tomato.
Glad to hear there are some others over 50 out there! I have never been slim, but really piled on the weight when just after I turned 50 I got sarcoidosis and was unwell for several years.When at last I was able to stop taking the steroid drugs I needed I was very large and very unfit, though finally pain free. I have been…
Struggle similarly. Find it helps to have a measured bag of mixed nuts with me so when I see something tempting I have something good to eat which is part of my food budget.
last night I made a salad with lentils and chickpeas, red onion, celery, coriander and parsley, tomato with a dressing of olive oil and lemon juice with cumin and coriander powder. It was truly delicious. Brown and red lentils cooked separately and then rinsed in cold water and drained well. My recipe called for lamb as…