

  • Thanks. I'm not frustrated with not losing weight. I am losing weight. I'm just tired of being hungry.
    in Not Happy Comment by kija7 January 2013
  • I'm following what fitness pal suggested which is 1200 cal. I'll open up my diary. Let me just figure out how. I have a family of 5, and DH is in charge of dinner, so I don't really get to choose, not that's its not healthy, but it may not be my most filling meal.
    in Not Happy Comment by kija7 January 2013
  • I do 4 egg whites (but you can adjust this to your caloric needs) scrambled, then add salsa and mix into egg. Srinkle some cheddar cheese (I look for the lower calorie cheese and use 1/2 serving) and put on a tortilla to make a wrap. The tortilla is usually 100 cal or less. DH does egg whites, onion and pepper and he'll…