Not sure how well tomorrow's gonna go. I had a great, like best week ever, but pigged out a little this weekend at graduation parties. I still did eat less than I usually would, though, so I'm hopeful! My only goal is that I'm less than 152 (didn't gain any weight). Wish me luck!
I want to be able to wear anything I want and feel good in it! I'm not fat now, but I have a muffin top and belly pouch that make it impossible to look good in anything tight-fitting. I want to be able to wear those types of shirts again.
Finally lost some weight! I've been gone for a few weeks as I was really discouraged because I was gaining weight even when only eating 1200-1400 of good calories a day, but I think it was actually muscle as I wasn't doing much cardio. More cardio now, lost a pound, and I think I'm back on track!
Didn't do so well. I had an excellent workout w/ treadmill and leg exercises but went over on my calories. Although I only went over like 20 calories, somehow I gained almost a pound. Feeling really frustrated.
So excited to start this! Weighed today to find I'd gained .6 lbs, but I did weigh just a few minutes ago, which means after lunch, etc., so hopefully just a fluke! But anywho, I am so pumped to start this! I hope to lose 1-2 lbs per week by following the blogilates march calendar along with a bit of couch to 5k.
I'm brand new and have zero friends, so anyone please feel free to add me! :) I'm super excited about this challenge as well!
Hi everyone! My name is Grace, and I'm hoping to lose about 20 lbs during this challenge. The most I've ever lost at one time is about 5, so this will be a huge accomplishment for me! I live in Missouri and my favorite color is yellow. I think I'm like the only one, since everyone I know hates yellow and thinks it's weird…
I am currently 150 and would like to be at 130 by the end of this challenge. Good luck everyone!