

  • Same situation as many others: groceries up, additional spending is down. I used to grab a Wasabi or EAT soup for lunch and now I'm sticking to the salad in my canteen. The £4 I save every lunch time goes towards eating healthier at home. I've cut down my restaurant spend since coming out of a relationship too :laugh:
  • I go in the morning before work whenever I can and get my bag and gym clothes completely ready the night before. The thought of having to decant everything (I'm that girl who brings a small room in her handbag) into a smaller bag if I don't get up and go is almost motivation enough! Makes me feel like I wasted a small…
  • I'm pretty lucky as my workplace provides hot breakfasts/cereal/yoghurt/fruit etc and we have hot food and a salad/sandwich bar at lunch time. I usually have a salad and/or soup but will sometimes prepare quinoa and roast veg for the week and have that with smoked salmon or a boiled egg.