rickphill Member


  • Good job for starting to workout but here's the deal your muscle are going to ache after you torture them with something they aren't use to. Here is where you take the discipline you have from your diet and to continue to push through the the muscle aches and stiffness, so enough of the tough love. The good news is it gets…
  • Sometimes when increase your activity level you got to give your body time to recover. A soak in a hot tub/whirlpool or a really hot bath will help your muscles relax but in takes 48 hours for your body to remove lactic acid from your muscles.
  • Your body will process and digest oatmeal for lunch the same as it would at breakfast. Enjoy your oatmeal whenever you want.
  • I have seen a nutritional counselor before but it was as part of a larger medical physical work-up. I would recommend getting a full blood toxically work-up done as this will allow the nutritional counselor to see your cholesterol, liver and kidney functions etc.. That is what was most helpful for me. Best of luck.