totalfeline Member


  • Yay!! Update for April 19th is totally AWESOME!!! My loss for this week was amazing!!! I am pretty sure there are multiple factors involved. I watched my calorie intake better including over the weekend and I moved more this week. Also I am pretty sure there were some hormonal factors involved but I won't go into details…
  • Here is my April 12th update. I had a loss this week but I know it could have been so much better if I hadn't pigged out over the weekend. :( My goal this week is to keep my weekend eating under control and get a bit more exercise in too. SW: 240 CW: 231.7 GW for April: 224.7 (-7) UGW: 160 General Weigh in dates 4/5: 230.8…
  • Mine is from some day during SXSW but I am not sure which day since they all kinda run together. So sometime between March 8th and March 17th. :drinker:
  • I really like to listen to The Crystal Method. They do electronic dance type music that is very up beat. They have also been around about 20 years so there is plenty to choose from.
  • Ok, so I have to make some adjustments to my CW in my first post. I hadn't weighed myself and guessed at how much my current weight was on the 1st and weighed myself on the 2nd. It was a nice surprise, I weighed less than I thought. Yay! SW: 240 CW: 231.7 GW for April: 224.7 (-7) UGW: 160 General Weigh in dates 4/5: 230.8…
  • I would love to join this group. SW: 240 CW: 235 GW for April: 228 (-7) UGW: 160 How do you plan to achieve your personal goal? I will work on being more consistent and complete with my tracking. Start moving more, walking at lunch and getting to the gym at least three times a week. Less beer, more water. :laugh: General…