Hi Julie, Hi Zak I'm on my second week of MFP, have surprised myself by really cutting back on the chocolate/sweets, was really an addict. So far l have managed to actually eat just 5 squares of a bar at a time or have a 2 finger KitKat. I cannot wait until the 3rd June when l get weighed again, hopefully l have lost at…
I found giving up a 30+ year smoking habit far more easier than it is for me trying to cut down on the sweets/chocolate.
Not sure if you are in the UK, if so hopefully your GP or diabetic nurse at the surgery may have knowledge of the DESMOND program. It is run by the NHS and is very informative. Regards Paul
Hi I'm Paul, very recently found and joined myfitnesspal still finding my feet. Hopefully this Essex group will become more active over time.