

  • I'm so sorry to hear this news for you. My cousin had this type of cancer & is doing good. It is not going to be easy, but you can do this. Prayers being sent up right this minute.
  • I walk in the woods, it is something I've always loved, maybe the gym thing isn't for you, it wasn't for me either. Do something you love, & get you a buddy to walk w/ or workout with..
  • I also do the Medifast, & if you follow it you should be losing. Maybe you have just hit a plateau. Make yourself a big pot of cabbage, onion, celery soup & eat it all day, it will cleanse you out. You have to eat alot of it. I don't think you should eat more, on the MFP you should be having something every 3 hours. Are…
  • I'm re-starting today too! Good luck to you.