darcyinks Member


  • My most embarrassing? Yuck! My chiropractor formed a "walking club" where we all got together to walk on a walking trail. I discovered much to my embarrassment that I couldn't actually walk all the way from the parking area to the trail! While the rest of the club walked a mile I walked halfway to the trail and the team…
  • Hector, I can certainly relate! I am only 5'1" (well almost anyway) and started here at 275! REALLY not a pretty sight! Anyway, this is a great place to start! I've kept up my food and excersize diary for 19 days straight! WooHoo! Don't let the naysayers take you down! This is a great place for positive reinforcement!
  • I think it would be an ego boost and a boost to your weight loss effort to leave it as is. In your mind you were 320 so stick with it! It will make you feel great when you see how much you've lost!
  • I excersized all but two days this week. And I added in two days of 45 extra minutes. Not quite my goal, but I moved more than I would have without the challenge!
  • I need to lose between 164 and 174. That's two whole people! My very small frame means I'm only supposed to consume about 980 calories a day to maintain my optimum weight. That means if I go to Chipotle I only get to eat part of a burrito to get my entire calorie count for the day.
  • Steph, this is your NEW Mom talking! Stay out of the kitchen! Just don't go in there unless you absolutely have to. Let your family know why you are avoiding the kitchen. Now go to the store and get small snack baggies a small cooler and some healthy snacks. Nuts, veggies, etc. No processed snacks, they are not healthy…
  • This works in perfectly with my goals for the year! I'm in! I will MOVE every single day this year! I don't move very fast as I had a severe knee injury but move I will!
  • Darcy Start Weight 274.2 Ultimate Goal Weight 110 Goal Weight in 90 Days 199 I work out with a trainer 2x a week. Plus I swim and dance, work with weights and walk my dog! Fell and hurt my knee two years ago and still struggling with knee issues!