deets1230 Member


  • Hi Sheila, Welcome, I think this group is not that active right now, I guess moms are busy. I just joined in January also. You will find alot of support here, just friend people that seem to be on everyday. Deets
  • Night Shift RN (12 1/2-13 1/2hr shift) for over 13 years now. Used to be able to bounce back from a shift easily on days off. Now it takes 2 days to bounce back. Worse of all insomnia on the days off is ridiculous. Time of day is not meaningless. We are human beings and our bodies were not created to be functioning at…
  • Hi Mary, I would also like to see us all succeed in 2013. I am doing kettlebells every other day. I haven't done it seriously in over a year, so I am easing my way back into it. I like treadmill only in warm weather, mine is in my cold garage. Also, in the past for some odd reason no matter how much I walked on the…
  • Started on 1/1 lost 5 lbs (in 2 weeks). I am glad to be able to track everything, this time I want to lose weight without an extreme diet. So looking at what i ate each day helps me to tweak things for the next day. Hopefully by the end of the first month I will have a routine of regular exercise and a idea of how much…
  • Chocolate, I can't rest if there is chocolate in the house.Messed up this week because my son brought home Gertrude Hawk bars for a fundraiser. I am so glad they are gone! :laugh:
  • Hi I am 43 with 2 sons, I would also like to clean up my diet and lose enough weight to feel healthy again. I quit smoking in October ( after 24 years- I am very proud of this accomplishment. I tried several times before.) I kind of thought I would watch what I ate so I wouldn't gain. Well I gained 25 lbs easily in 2…