tollycat Member


  • Interesting, it did show you lost 0 lbs now it shows me you lost .5 lbs. Your timeline says you lost 5.5 lbs for a total loss of .5 lbs. Did you change your starting weight before changing your progress weight? I would check and see what you starting weight is in your profile. Edit: Congrats on the loss BTW.
  • Hey man. I know your troubles. I love to drink Coke and my company made cans available for $0.25 a can and all snacks are $0.50. I could theoretically loose half of my weight. I decided to do the majority of my weight loss as my first goal weight. I have been using MFP since the beginning of the year. I think it is a much…
  • I will add my name to the list. We are here...and in my case, this is my first post. Feel free to add me.