This was supposed to be a reply under MyFoodGod 's comment, but it didn't work right. Also, now it wont let me delete, so. . . With all due respect, because we all have our trigger foods and I understand what you're saying. But I disagree and I think she's going to be fine so I'd like to say: Oh for pete's sake, I bet…
Mind - blown. You're a genius! We can all learn from you, thank you for sharing.
bump - will do this one day soon
Wow, such an alien concept to me. I struggle to not exceed my 1450 but I'm usually hungry, so I'm rarely under and if so then by less than 100. If I exercise then I'm ravenous!
I'm also 5'1, 162 which is my best weight in several years. Weight loss comes slowly, and I'm sure PCOS is a contributing factor. I haven't learned to love exercise yet, and living in the desert it's usually too hot for outdoor activities. I'm 44 and mother of 2. I'd love to be mfp friends!
Thank you!
Hello! I'm 44 so I thought I'd follow this group, perhaps I'll find encouragement! I have the joy of dealing with PCOS, which adds a layer of fun to weight loss. I work in retail and have kids, so between busy and tired and sore feet, I've not been working out. No questions for now, just saying hello.
Moths for me too! I thought I was the only one! And I have problems with crickets and grasshoppers too. Funny, 'cuz I'm fine with spiders and scorpions. It's the haphazardly directed things that I can't handle. Also heights and bodies of water.