kevinrbarger Member


  • Wow! You look awesome!
  • I know! I can't wait until I'm half the size I am now. I keep trying to picture it.
  • Aww! Thanks, you guys!
  • The thing is, is that it's really really hard to distinguish between hunger and appetite. Hunger is a physical response that your body makes when it needs to digest food. Appetite is psychological phenomenon that mimics the effects of hunger even when your body doesn't actually require food. Even when eating at a deficit,…
  • Wait, what do you mean nothing really changes? According to your ticker you've lost 5 lbs! 5 freaking POUNDS! That's huge! That's a stack of fresh laundry! That's, like, a pound less than a bowling ball! You have basically lost a bowling ball. A. Freaking. Bowling. Ball. There are lots changing for you right now. You'll…
  • I just wanted to say that I was wrong about this. My numbers for everywhere else are correct, but I was hastily looking at grams instead of calories on Taco Bell's website. The correct calorie counts are: Chicken Burrito: 420 calories (I'm gonna remove my suggestion for this because there are better things on the menu.)…
  • "I just ate way too much. There's no way I could do pie right now, but it smells/looks amazing!"
  • You may have already found it, but yes, there is! After you hit add to diary from the homescreen, and then choose which meal you want to add to, there should be a search box at the top of your screen. Just to the right of the search box is a magnifying glass button. Just to the right of that is a blue button with what…
  • Yes, definitely log everything even if you are planning on going over your calorie budget. The thing is, if you stop logging, it might be that much harder to get back into it when you get back. That said, I eat at fast food places all the time. In fact, it's probably the biggest part of my diet simply because I'm in the…
  • I definitely leave myself cheat days where I just eat whatever, and I don't really feel bad about those at all. I just don't really know what I should do on the days after I haven't eaten anything. Like, do I try to eat some of those calories back, or do I just shrug it off and continue as normal? I did find another thread…
  • There are a couple of things I agree with that I've picked up around here, but I am by no means a nutritionist: 1) Eat more protein. Not only does it fill you up faster, but it also stays with you longer. 2) Drink more water. A lot of times we mistake thirst for hunger, and considering that approximately 75% of Americans…
  • Oh! I completely forgot about this until just now: That website breaks down pretty much every drink and tells you how many calories comes from alcohol vs. carbs. It was pretty handy when I first started out on this. EDIT: The thought being that the bigger percentage of calories from alcohol is…
  • Actually 4-5 beers once or twice a week is not really all that much. Like... at all. A 6 pack every night? Yes. Issues. 4-5 beers twice a week? Considering weekend bar hopping? Nope. In fact, I would say that's pretty conservative.
  • Last night I drank half a 1.5 liter bottle of Reisling. It would have been more but I had to share. Just work it in to your calorie count and you'll be fine. I'm a huge advocate of taking the path of least resistance and when making lifestyle changes to make many subtle ones as opposed to drastic ones so that they kind of…
  • I weigh about weekly. It used to be on Wednesdays, but now it's either on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Whenever I remember, really. When I first started to try and lose weight, I would weigh myself every day. Since I didn't know about normal fluctuations during the day it was highly discouraging. I didn't understand it…
  • I usually eat Chobani, simply because it's the easiest one to find. I haven't really done any comparisons though.
  • Water can definitely be the reason. You're actually more likely to get dehydrated by being too cold than being too hot. Ever notice that when it's cold outside you need to urinate more? That's the issue. Your body doesn't think it needs as much water because it's not sweating, so it expels more than it needs to. It holds…
  • I'm not halfway there yet, but I've lost more than 28 lbs so far and I seriously can't remember when I weighed so little. It was probably in High School. Early High School. Myfitnesspal has been the only thing that has worked for me that I've been able to stick with. I can't wait to see how I look when it is finally all…
  • Oh, and also this. This this this this this. I know that at a certain level of drunk all I really want to do is eat a huge meatball sub. And fries. And boneless buffalo chicken wings. And an omelette. And... well, pretty much anything greasy. This is why Waffle House is still a thing.
  • You're going to get differing opinions on this, but the basic fact of the matter is that it doesn't matter where calories come from, all that matters is how much you consume. Exercise (at least as far as myfitnesspal is concerned) creates more calories that you can consume, so if you know that you're going to be drinking,…
  • This thread is hilarious. The biology (as much as I know of it) of farts is this: there are bacteria in your gut that help break down food. These bacteria emit methane and other gasses as a waste product. Methane stinks horribly (and is also flammable!) Everyone has their own special mix of bacteria, so the kinds of foods…
  • Yeah, what everyone else is saying. You're 18, so I'm going to give you some pieces of advice that I wish someone had given me, or if they had, I wish that I had taken it to heart. It took a really long time for me to learn this: 1) Flirting, even if it's reciprocal and lasts for a long time, is not dating. 2) Going out on…
  • In the morning, right after I shower (for some reason the scale always reads less after my shower than it does just before. It's odd.) I'm normally awake for about an hour or more before I shower, and I don't normally eat breakfast. If I weigh myself right after I wake up I always weigh more than I do after being awake for…
  • You are working those tights, girl! And there is absolutely nothing unsexy about that guy you are with, either.
  • Wow... this is a really amazing transformation.
  • Couch the URL of the image in image tags, but make sure they are in lower case. Like this: but instead of IMG use img Does that make sense? I'm bad at explaining these things sometimes.
  • I'm honestly trying not to have a cheat day, but I did so last week. I didn't really log that day, either (only at first before I said screw it and put the phone away), and I pigged out. The week before last, I had lost 1.8 lbs. Last week I still lost 1.2 lbs. I'm blaming the cheat day for the .6 lbs that I didn't lose.…
  • If this was a free dating site like POF or OKCupid, I think it would be less of a deal. I'm a pretty open guy, though, and it takes a lot to make me jealous or concerned that someone is cheating. I feel that flirting is a natural human trait. However, the fact that you have to pay to keep a subscription to, which…