kevinrbarger Member


  • I know that I'm bumping an old topic, but I just found this game and I'm addicted. I walked around downtown in the cold for 4 hours last night without really realizing it, looking for both portals and places that I could charge my cell phone. It was freaking awesome! My town is pretty overrun with people on the opposing…
  • I'd have to look for a model number, but I know that there aren't any instructions pasted because I've looked. I mean, the use of the machine itself is pretty obvious, I'm just unsure how to begin? I mean, how do you judge how much weight you should be using? Is there anything I can do with the machine that isn't obvious?…
  • One of the reasons that we crave things like this while dieting is because we get a surge of feel good hormones while doing something "bad." It's your brain rebelling against you. It doesn't like dramatic changes and will try everything to get back to eating the status quo, because it's easier. So the trick is to just…
  • Like others have said, the short answer to this is calories. If you eat at a caloric deficit you will lose weight period, no matter where those calories come from. Eating clean is definitely healthier for you, and it's no lie that you would probably feel better physically over the long run, but for most people jumping head…
  • I really don't think that there is a general consensus on this. Personally I found that following the MFP numbers and eating back exercise calories works well for myself. The biggest thing is to make sure that whatever it is that you do, you make changes that you can stick with. Don't deny yourself your favorite foods,…
  • This. All of this. Make really small changes, and make sure that you log every single morsel you put in your mouth hole. Realize that you didn't become overweight overnight, and that it's going to take a while for it to come off. Stay really honest with yourself, but don't be harsh on yourself when you inevitably slip up…
  • Aww, Isabele! You're awesome! Thanks for being a friend.
  • Gay cis-gendered male here. The closest I ever got to gender fluidity was wearing my mom's nightgowns when I was like 5.
  • Even though I agree with your main points, I strongly disagree with your assumption that sexual orientation or gender identity is a choice. It's not, and there is a lot of science to back that up. By dismissing a biological imperative to be LGBT, you are opening up questions about what could be done to choose the "right"…
  • I really want a burger now. I mean, if it's preserved that well outside, imagine what it will do to my body! Hell, if I eat enough of them, I will live forever! That's how this works right? The most disappointing thing about this whole video was that the burger only cost $0.79 then. I am shocked and appalled by inflation!
  • I know I'm replying late, but I think this is a pretty important topic and I didn't want to not reply to these. No, you don't have to put down the doughnuts, but to pretend that losing weight is a simple concept and that the millions of people who are struggling with it and have tried countless times to lose weight only to…
  • Obesity is a disease. For it to be a symptom of something, then there would have to be another disease that it was a symptom of. Being "fat" is a symptom of obesity. I also find huge issues with some people in this thread who automatically assume that obesity squarely sits on the shoulders of those who are obese. Yes,…
  • I don't normally eat breakfast, but this may change my mind.
  • I just got around to beginning this, and so far it's extremely interesting. Thanks for the link!
  • I stay away from aspartame because it is a migraine trigger for me, and too much of it can induce a panic attack. I haven't had a problem with other artificial sweeteners, though, and I honestly don't see a problem with any of them. You have to know what works for your particular body and not worry about the subjective…
  • Came here to say this. Keep your fungus away from my mouth, thank you.
  • I so wanted to be the meat in a Slater/Zach sandwich. I think my first major crush was on David (Johnny Galecki, now on The Big Bang Theory) in Roseanne, though. Oh, god, and then there was the green ranger........ Is it just my imagination, or did they not wear underwear in their ranger costumes? Just an observation...…
  • Black hair, blue eyes, no less than 6'0 tall. I might be persuaded to go as low as 5'10. I don't care about body type, really. Thin, muscular, chubby, hairy, smooth, whatever. They all have their advantages.
  • I have absolutely no idea what this means. Isn't a plateau a really long period of time without any progress? How is... wait... what?
  • Other people are better at nutritional advice than I am, because my advice basically boils down to "eat whatever you want! Just stay close to your calorie goal!" But I do want to say this: Don't worry about the scale too much. Like, at all. Your weight can fluctuate upwards of five pounds or more during the course of the…
  • There is absolutely nothing saying that you can't eat that. At all. This is a lifestyle change, not prison! Don't deny yourself the foods you love, and don't deny yourself a treat on your birthday. You can always plan for the calories in advance and eat less calories or exercise more during the day, or you could just go…
  • Absolutely! When I first started this I wasn't exercising at all and ended up losing a ton. Well, not literally, but figuratively. Then my doc made me watch this short vid on youtube called 23 1/2 Hours which is all about the health benefits of walking 30 minutes a day. That seemed doable, and I started that. I saw an…
  • Yeah, the every day like today thing is incredibly inaccurate. You would have to eat the exact same foods in the exact same amounts and do the exact same exercise every day for 5 weeks. You would probably shoot yourself before being able to weigh yourself after those 5 weeks.
  • The Harvard study with rats is inconclusive in regards to humans. Our digestive system is pretty different than a rodent's. There has been nothing conclusive about artificial sweeteners at all in regards to weight loss. Personally, I think they're fine for most people. They do have side effects for some, though. For…
  • Honestly, I don't really get the McDonald's hate. I don't really get fast food hate at all. I've not stopped eating fast food and have already dropped 30 lbs. It's all about preplanning. I mean, I get people wanting to watch other things other than just calories. That's awesome! That doesn't mean that other foods that…
  • Wow. It's almost like different people have different subjective preferences.
  • Someone above mentioned this, but I just wanted to highlight it again: Nicotine withdrawals do feel like hunger, because cravings for nicotine come from around the same area of the brain that food cravings come from. This is why those who have just stopped smoking usually see a weight gain. The body is confusing nicotine…
  • This post isn't getting enough love. God, this sounds amazing!
  • I think we just found the solution to world hunger.