86 percent dark chocolate
Congratulations! You look great!
At my heaviest, I had a cup H, I lost 25 kgs and went to an E. After that, I got a breast reduction and went to a small C cup. I only lost 350 grams on each side during reduction. My surgeon told me it was mostly fat tissue.
Well done! You look awesome! Keep up the great work!
I learned a lot about metabolic damage and how to properly nourish your body from Layne Norton. He is a scientist and bodybuilder, so he knows a great deal about losing fat, not muscle. Check out his Youtube Channel: or website:
Congratulations on the baby by the way :)
If you don't mind my asking, do you breastfeed? Because then you are definitely WAY too low on your calories. Take a look at this: It recommends 1800-2200 calories a day and eating 1500-1800 calories a day will probably diminish milk supply. It also contains a…
Eat them! You are not eating enough....your body needs those calories. Sure, you will lose some pounds superfast, but in the long run, you are setting yourself up for failure as your body goes into starvation mode.
Sooooo, I am halfway HT 2 and loving some of the progress (more muscle in my upper body and really working arms, shoulders and back, because arms and upper back are my weak areas), but I do miss working out 4 times a week (as there must be one rest day between the workouts). I feel another kind of fatigue after working…
Don't look at the scale. You lost a jeans size and no weight? You probably gained some muscle which takes up less room than fat. Diet pills are a short-term solution. Because they suppress appetite, your sister is probably not eating enough to maintain muscle and her body is probably burning her muscle right now. Yes, she…
New Rules of Lifting for Women. For sure! I am currently doing The New Rules of Lifting (for Men) and I LOVE it. Low intensity steady state cardio will get you nowhere (your body will still be the same shape, just smaller). Start lifting as soon as possible!
Ben ook heel tevreden! Grote en betrouwbare database en app is gebruiksvriendelijk! Vind het wel jammer dat ik niet naar community kan surfen op de app, maar je kan niet alles hebben hè ;) Heb echt geleerd om voldoende te eten door MFP. Ik at vaak doordeweeks veeeeeel te weinig en dan kreeg ik een schransbui in het…
I am sooooo looking forward to S1! My boyfriend already went through that fase and he says it won't really do much for extra muscle or fat loss, it does allow you to return to other programs being able to use higher weights, so more progress :) I must admit I sometimes cheat a little bit with the DLs. I warmed up with DL…
Oh my gosh, I didn't see there was another lady on the NROL for Men forum! I just started HT2 last week too! I do miss squats a bit, but the workout is killing me enough right now hahaha. I use the assisting machine for dips and chin ups. The 25 rep workouts are hard, but luckily it only has 2 sets :)
Awesome job, Eric!
I'm probably the only woman on the NROL for Men program, hahaha. I read the NROL for women and found some of the exercises 'too girly'. When my husband read the book, he asked me if there was a men's book and I bought it for him. I started reading that one and loved the exercises, so we started Break In together. I am on…
Ik heb een keer zo'n beginnerscursus gedaan, ik vond het echt een aanrader! Beginners moeten in het begin toch vaak wat afgeremd worden in tempo (ik wilde echt te veel en te snel, wat mijn lijf niet aankon en daardoor steeds pijn in mijn schenen) en je krijgt veel nuttige tips. En het is nog gezellig ook :D
Ik vond het programma ook geweldig! Heerlijke muziek en erg motiverend.