24Keffy Member


  • I'm getting married on August 3rd of this year... and ordered my dress a size smaller! Ahh! I know I can do it though. I luckily lose weight from my torso first and it's a princess dress. I go for my alterations on July 1st so I definitely have some hard work ahead.
  • Ground turkey curry taco salad :)
  • I used to do Zumba all the time and one pump class had me too! I just find it much more rewarding :)
  • People don't, but their perception of themselves may change... or their perception of what they wish to show to others. But it would definitely be interesting to have my fiancé do this test for me.
  • I have taken so many different personality tests throughout my psyc degree as well, I almost feel programmed to initially react/answer in the same manner. Probably for most, the gut reaction is the best way to go, but I think I have to get past my "robotic" answers and actually think of examples in my life to answer these…
  • The reliability of the MBTI has tested low as people often score differently weeks/years later (which doesn't seem to be the case among most of you). I'm just curious how much of this test reflects my actual personality compared to what I perceive it to be. For instance, it showed in my personality profile that counselling…
  • INFJ Introvert(11%) iNtuitive(75%) Feeling(25%) Judging(56%)