

  • Welk this is the dilemma I'm in. I WANT to lose weight healthily and maintain but at the same time I can't bear the thought of not feeling my best on my wedding day :/ I know it's only 'one day' and there is a lot of pressure on brides to be to be at their best on the big day but I'm stressing myself out so much..
  • Thanks for the advice everyone I really appreciate it. Obviously my main goal at this moment in time is to lose fast, but I do want to carry on losing after the wedding as even if I do lose 30lbs by then I will still be overweight. Most of the feedback from you guys is that I'm eating too few calories - I'm confused as…
  • Thanks I was thinking this might be a reason as I have found that if I eat bread then I am usually a few ounces heavier the following day (I weigh everyday which is bad I know, but it does help me keep track of foods which affect my weight) thanks for the help
  • Thank you for your help - FYI I haven't actually posted my stats and so yes I do need to lose another 30lbs MrM27. I am also aware that 1lb per week is the recommended amount to lose, however I did ask for tips on how to increase this to 2lbs per week so if anyone can offef advice regarding this please do - thanks again